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HTML Table Example

Html Table Example

This is a demonstration of Exhibit's html table importer.


These results are drawn from tables in this document, shown below (in normal use they would be hidden). By default, the importer treats the first row of the table as a “header row” whose contents specify the property names being imported. There are various ways to configure the importer and override this default: by specifying parameters in the <link tag>, by specifying parameters in <col> tags in the table, or by specifying parameters in the <td> elements that make up the header row.

Global settings must appear in the link tag specifying the table to import. They include

setting name type of value default choices meaning
itemType string Item The type to assign to items being imported from the table
label string the type name itself The human-readable name of the type
pluralLabel string Item The way to describe multiples of the type, e.g. Person becomes People
columns string A comma separated list of the property names to associate with the columns.
separator string ; The character (or string) for separating a list of values in a cell of the table

Per-property settings are specified in the <col> tags or in the header-row <th>, or <td> tags. They include
setting name type of value default choices meaning
property string The property associated with this column of the table
hrefPoperty string If a table cell contains a tag with an href attribute such as an anchor <a> the specified property will capture the link associated with that tag.
srcPoperty string If a table cell contains a tag with a src property such as an image <img> tag, the specified property will capture the link associated with that tag.
arity string multiple single, multiple If arity is multiple, values are split using the separator character. If single, no split is performed.
uri, label, reverseLabel, pluralLabel, reversePluralLabel, groupingLabel, reverseGroupingLabel string Specify various characteristics of the property associated with this column, such as how to describe the property when used in the reverse direction (Parent becomes Child). See the basic exhibit documentation for details.

Input tables

David 46
85 Eve

Raw data

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